Painted glazed cabinets

After three days in the finishing studio and seven weeks of building, assembling and sanding, I can finally say that the 5 coat finish is done. Two coats Magnamax tinted woodwitch primer, a brown glaze hand applied and finally two coats of Duravar catalytic dull sheen clear coat. All products used were from M.L. Campbell supplied by Russell Plywood. It is a labor intensive finish especially when you do an entire kitchen at once. The cabinets were masked to preserve the finished maple plywood interiors. Everything looks great and install should go very well next week. All that is left now is to install all of the hardware pack it up and head to northern New Jersey.

One comment

  1. Charity says:

    Looks awesome Adam!!! Keep up the great work and can't wait to see you and the fam šŸ™‚

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